HP-UV Egg Sanitizer™
Innovative technology that is changing the way people think about egg sanitization.
We provide the poultry industry with science-based solutions to solve challenges facing the poultry industry.
Our primary focus is the design, manufacturing and implementation of automated egg sanitization equipment. Our egg treatment process provides an innovative means to meet the need for a safe and effective method of sanitizing eggs..
Sanitization of eggs using the HP-UV Egg Sanitizer™ has been scientifically proven to reduce the microbial load of the egg...
Eggs pass through a spray chamber where they are lightly misted with a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide. Next, the eggs...
Sanitizing eggs with the HP-UV Egg Sanitizer™ results in decreased eggshell microbial load, increased hatchability, improved chick quality at hatch, and decreased 7-day mortality...
The HP-UV Egg Sanitizer™ eliminates ALL types of microorganisms.
Our Mission
Deliver innovative, science-based solutions to the poultry industry to increase profitability while enhancing product quality and safety.
Contact Us
Are you ready to make a change in your operation? The HP-UV Egg Sanitizer™ is your solution.